Camping Gear at Gavins Point & Red 10
Everyone knows camping is a great way to get outside with family and friends!
Most campsites include a picnic table, but what about everything else you need to be ready for the Great Outdoors? At Gavins Point Recreational Center & Red 10, we understand part of the joy of camping is using your own gear to exist outdoors. You need to be comfortable, you need convenience and you need a campsite that feels like home.
If it’s your first time camping, it might be the best time to stock up on the things you need! As you become a more experienced camper, you may find that part of the fun is figuring out what to bring along to meet your needs.
While you’re packing, we've got you covered with the important tools and apparel you'll need. Make sure to stock up!
- Washer/Dryer Combo
- Domestic 310 Gravity Flow Toilet
- Bag Lawn Chairs
- Reverse-able Outdoor Mats
- Fresh Water "Garden" Hoses 25' and 50'
- Water Filtration Cartridges and Canisters
- Gas Powered Generators
- Water Heaters
- Detachable Power Cords
- Power Cord Replacement Ends
- GFCI RV Outlets
- 12v LED Light Bulbs
- Entry/Exit Assist Handles
- Friction Hinges
- Furrion Back Up Camara's (7", 5" and 4.3" Screens)
- Dicor Non-Sag and Self Leveling Sealant
- Weight Distribution Hitches
- Gooseneck Stabilizer
- Plumbing Fixtures
- Black Water Toilet Drop-Ins
- RV Toilet Paper
- Sewer Line Hose Extension w/universal Pipe Attachment
- A/C Filters
- Thin Shade - Entry Door Window W/Mini-Blinds
- 14"x14" Vent Lid Cover
- 14"x14" Vent w/o Fan
- 14"x14" Vent w/ Fan
- Power Vent, 4-speed Fan w/Rain Sense
- T-Style Door Latch
- Baggage Door Latch
- TV Mounts
- 5th Wheel Stabilizer
- Electric Tongue Jack
- Gooseneck Adapter
- Wheel Chocks
- Thermostats